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Trusted Fallen Evolution Middlemen

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Trusted Fallen Evolution Middlemen Empty Trusted Fallen Evolution Middlemen

Post  Rykleos Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:44 am

[Fallen Evolution Middle Men]
-Players in this section have been deemed trustable by the Fallen community.
[◘] - Actively Middlemaning / [◘] - Inactive in Middlemanning

[Apprentice MiddleMen]
-Players in this section are trusted by some but have not proven themselves. Use at your own risk.


Posts : 78
Join date : 2009-07-16

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Trusted Fallen Evolution Middlemen Empty Re: Trusted Fallen Evolution Middlemen

Post  Rykleos Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:47 am

[Rules & Guidelines]

* No cross server trading on any Fallen Evolution gold or accounts(added myself).
* Unless you have substantial proof; you cannot nominate yourself.
* Players will only be placed on the “Needs More Feedback” section if they are nominated by a couple of other players who have credibility*. (*Credibility being defined as forum members with 500+ posts or a current green listed MM)
* Players will be placed on the “New MiddleMen” section when they have achieved an undisclosed amount of nominations from other players.
* If a MM and you choose to "scam for justice" they will be removed from the list. MMs are expected to be unbiased towards all players; no exceptions.
* 5 Day Notice: Any Middleman on blue or green selling his/her account must give me 5 day notice before doing so, this way i can remove them off the list and inform everyone that the trusted account is being sold.
* Scammer Awareness: If any one is found out to be aware of any person that is not trusted who has some how gained access to a trusted account, and does not report it will be subject to a punishment on the list.
* Witness Program: It is recommended on all deals you bring along at least two witnesses to watch the deal. This helps with clarifications about scams that took place. Note that the witnesses must be credible. (Anyone on the blue/green is credible)

[MiddleMan Guideline to Accounts]

* Make sure you know the details of the trade before you MM.
* Write down all account information.
* Make sure to check the accounts to ensure they are legitimate.
* Change the password to accounts once legitimacy is confirmed.
* No cross-server account trading.

[Five Star Middleman]

* 5 Ways To Get A Star
Make it to the Green list.
Middleman for 2+ Months on Green list.
Middleman for 4+ Months on Green list.

[Middleman Info Format]

* Name (Stars)
Guild: ♣️ : Tag
Partner: ♥️ : Partner
Additional Info: ↕️ : Info
Tags: ◙ : Tags


* ☺️ - Donated 100k+
* ☻ - Donated 1m+
* ★- Has won Middleman of the Month
* ☼ - Trade Monitor


[Preferred Nomination Format]
If you have a nomination, please use the following code:

Code: Select all
Name of Middleman:
Clients (Buyer and Seller):
Deal (What was purchased for what):

The code will come out looking like this:
Deal (What was purchased for what):
In turn, this format makes it easier to recognize a nomination for MM.
[Self Nomination Format]

Code: Select all
Name of clients:
Deal (What was purchased for what):
Links to pics of the following, trade window, you on the account being bought, and 2 clients saying +1 to (middleman name):

The code will come out looking like this:
Name of clients:
Deal (What was purchased for what):
Links to pics of the following, trade window, you on the account being bought, and 2 clients saying +1 to (middleman name):
Fake nominations will not be tolerated.

- All players in this section have been confirmed to scam.

Posts : 78
Join date : 2009-07-16

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Trusted Fallen Evolution Middlemen Empty Re: Trusted Fallen Evolution Middlemen

Post  Rykleos Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:06 pm

[FEM(Fallen Evolution Middle Men) Guild]

Rules & Guidelines

* To join FEM, you must be atleast a novice or completely trusted middle men.
* Must have atleast one week of experience as a novice or trusted middlemen.
* ABSOLUTELY No other players in FEM and DEFINITELY NO scammers.
* Leaders of the guild will be 5 star middlemen, which can only recruit novice and trusted middlemen.
* Recruiters of the guild will be 2 star or higher middlemen, which can only recruit novice and trusted middlemen.
* Have fun.

Guild Bank

Guild Rankings

*Rank 9 - New Middlemen
*Rank 8 - Two Weeks of Middle Experience
*Rank 7 - Three Weeks Experience
*Rank 6 - Novice List
*Rank 5 - 1 Star Trusted
*Rank 4 - 2 Star Trusted
*Rank 3 - 3 Star Trusted
*Rank 2 - 4 Star Trusted
*Rank 1 - 5 Star Trusted

Posts : 78
Join date : 2009-07-16

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