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Prison Style. Read?

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Prison Style. Read? Empty Re: Prison Style. Read?

Post  Skelly Man Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:16 pm

1. it could be an admin NPC that you need to kill :O like it woul have lots of health but really slow attack speed and the sheriff should be called sheriph ;] (Comments to sera for his name ;p) And mabye the rats and crows can drop like the best items so you would be able to kill the Admin Boss or w/e then when you get out you get disconnected and you get your old stuff back Surprised and lose the stuff you got in the jail :]
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Prison Style. Read? Empty Re: Prison Style. Read?

Post  Thiamor Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:29 pm

I kinda came up with the same idea, in ways, if you remember the chat I had with you about my MMO.

Where you can only get out by gaining points per monster you kill. But it only gives points. No exp, no Gold, no items. Nothing but Jail points. Where once you kill it, it respawns INSTANTLY, but it takes like...20 kills to gain one point.

But if you're level, 1, you've to kill 20 for one, if you're level 10, you need to kill 40. If you're 20, 50 kills per one point. But the Admin who jails you chooses the points needed for each one they jail. But the Guard can change it if they find the need to do so.

I mean it's jail, it's not like it's going to be FUN to kill these monsters. Not like you kill one and then you're free.

Your idea is awesome, and it reminded me of our chat.

If someone continues to go to jail, they could be sent to a 'hole' so to speak, and just sit there, in a room the size of a closet, where they're not able to chat, send PM's or even see the Global window. Also time in the hole is slower than normal game-time. Say a few hours is a whole day, well, in the hole, a few days is seen as an hour. So it'd be like...5 or 6 hours.

That means if they needed to spend 3 days in the hole, it'd be like 18 hours in the whole. Would be what happens if they're close to being banned, but need to be punished for what they did, without being banned.

I think that I did the math right.

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Prison Style. Read? Empty Re: Prison Style. Read?

Post  Thiamor Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:21 am

It's prison levels, not levels for the game, or so I thought.

Also in PRISON, for real, they exercise, fight, kill, be top dog. So this is a good idea in whatever case.

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Prison Style. Read? Empty Re: Prison Style. Read?

Post  Thiamor Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:50 pm

"Dude" my Uncle was in Prison. That stuff happens that I mentioned.
Killings, fightings... EXERCISING

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Prison Style. Read? Empty Re: Prison Style. Read?

Post  roefl Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:16 pm

Seraphic wrote:Okay so this kinda popped in my head last night xD. After chatting, we realized this idea was Prompted by a chat me and Thiamor had a little bit ago. Credit to Thiamor :3

I think we should elaborate on the whole "Prison/Jail" system a bit. No one has ever really tried to change it much except for changing a few looks.

I think that we could make an entire system out of it with a couple of attributes plus a new box which could potentially take the place of the useless "Macro" key.
Here are my thoughts.

1. Enlarge the Jail area. - The current jail area is small, I understand this is for the purpose of "Punishment" but to some it seems kind of redundant. I believe if we enlarge it and combine it with a few of my ideas I'll mention later, it could be better.

2. Make a "Jail Level System". - This is where the new tab which takes over the Macro space would come in handy. My thoughts were, If we were in jail, we could potentially gain "Jail Levels" or 'Status' if you will. Meaning that if you are jailed, it's almost like you are Reborn. You start at a level 1 or 0 "Jail Level" and can work it up to potentially "Break Out" of jail, earn money by "Mugging" other jailees, or just being the "Alpha Player" in jail. To level up in Jail, we could add several things.

A- Weak monsters. - Monsters like Crows and Rats would be fine. These would enable the Jailee to train, at an incredibly slow rate yes, but nonetheless train gradually, making their stay in Jail well put.
B- Make it a PK zone with experience gains. - In this concept, you could potentially kill or beat up other jail members and gain experience or small amounts of cash, gains, or prizes from doing so, also leading to your overall Escape or Release.

3. "Breaking Out". - After the Jailee has reached a certain "Jail Level", they can move onto an additional room that holds a level requirement. In this room it could hold a potential Admin, Player, or Boss Monster, that the Jailee would have to kill or beat in a certain challenge to gain freedom. If the Jailee fa!ls to do so, then they should suffer a consequence for trying to Escape. Take away their gains and "Jail Levels" and it'll be like they were just jailed.

4. Jail Skills. - Again using the potential Macro tab, you could gain certain "Jail Only" spells or skills that could help you work your way out of Jail. You could use the stereotypical "Shank" skill, or "Mug" other players for cash gains.

5. Admins. - This could potentially open up another admin spot. A Moderator type for the new Jail area, kind of like a prison guard. One who enforces Jail rules, but let some slide, as an actual guard would.

Again, this is just an idea, and I understand this would require a good deal of coding and artwork, but I think if our team is up to it, they could easily pull it off. This would also make it a great more of a deal to get Jailed, therefore causing the players to act *somewhat* better. Smile.

Tell me what you think?

jail Isnt meant to be fun >.>
omg this dude has been autoing for hours lets jail him, Next day he's hopping around in jail having fun and (no swearing).
Nice punishment.

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Prison Style. Read? Empty Re: Prison Style. Read?

Post  Thiamor Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:25 am

How is it fun? Not gaining anything towards the real game. Constantly having to kill things. If you die, you appear right back in the jail, and if you die, let's say you lose REAL game EXP so then people don't want to be in there due to that factor. The more EXP lost, means you can go down in REAL game levels if lost enough. It's not fair, but guess what? You did something to get in there, so it's not gonna be fair Razz

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Prison Style. Read? Empty Re: Prison Style. Read?

Post  Bryan :] Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:28 pm

Sera great idea and all but ima have to disagree i like the way jail is set up now u go in for being an idiot and come out whenever the admins please
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Prison Style. Read? Empty Re: Prison Style. Read?

Post  Thiamor Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:39 pm

Bryan :] wrote:Sera great idea and all but ima have to disagree i like the way jail is set up now u go in for being an idiot and come out whenever the admins please

How will that make people not want to go into jail even more than now?

This is an idea that will make more and more....not break the rules.

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