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Houses for players

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Houses for players Empty Houses for players

Post  Jroc Mon May 17, 2010 2:10 pm

This is something I have been messing around with for a while where players will pay for a house depending on the size of it. it will come with a warp that will lead to the 1st floor of he house requiring a key to enter the house. two key will be provided when it is finished, another feature will enable players to buy more key for personal friends to enter the house.

The player will be abel to buy items and funriture that will go in the house along with building larger houses and a basement and 2nd story.

I do understand that this will take time to pud edt more keys to the list along with constant mapping so they should be a great amount of gold like that of a real house would be.

This would draw the long term players to the game and give them stuff other to do than just lvl and buy armors weps ect..

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Houses for players Empty Re: Houses for players

Post  Thiamor Mon May 17, 2010 3:28 pm

Jroc wrote:This is something I have been messing around with for a while where players will pay for a house depending on the size of it. it will come with a warp that will lead to the 1st floor of he house requiring a key to enter the house. two key will be provided when it is finished, another feature will enable players to buy more key for personal friends to enter the house.

The player will be abel to buy items and funriture that will go in the house along with building larger houses and a basement and 2nd story.

I do understand that this will take time to pud edt more keys to the list along with constant mapping so they should be a great amount of gold like that of a real house would be.

This would draw the long term players to the game and give them stuff other to do than just lvl and buy armors weps ect..

This is an old, old, old idea.

I came up with it a long time ago, too. It'd take so much coding that it'd be basically, or close to impossible. Each person would needed to be accounted for, and lines, more like paragraphs of coding for each person and each items would need to go into this.

Instead, only placed already mapped should be able to be used like this. Like a to map a Castle, and each room in this 'said' castle can be rented out to a player. Gold is automatically taken out of the players bank and/ or Inventory.

With this items can be added, but only that in which is from a list.

The moment the rent is due and they don't have enough it kicks them out into Aeven Map.

Instead of the coding for each person, it's coded to show the name of whom is renting once inside the room.

So once all of the rooms are rented out, they have to wait for them to either 'move out' or for them to get kicked out due to not having enough Gold to pay the rent.

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Join date : 2009-12-24

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Houses for players Empty Re: Houses for players

Post  Jroc Mon May 17, 2010 3:35 pm

That more than needed, They will have to buy the house in full. And I have already been doing this offline on SEOSE. Its very possible

They wont get just one whole map to them selfs for their house, it will be one building on a massive map and as more people buy houses the more we build down the line making it eventually into a community

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Age : 33
Location : Paintball feild

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Houses for players Empty Re: Houses for players

Post  Thiamor Tue May 18, 2010 12:00 pm

Jroc wrote:That more than needed, They will have to buy the house in full. And I have already been doing this offline on SEOSE. Its very possible

They wont get just one whole map to them selfs for their house, it will be one building on a massive map and as more people buy houses the more we build down the line making it eventually into a community

Oh I forgot to mention that I think Seose coding works a lot differently than Eoserv. FE is on Eoserv I am sure of.

You should probably get Eoserv and try it.

Posts : 883
Join date : 2009-12-24

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Armor:: Final Summoning (Male) Final Summoning (Male)
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